Come away with me to the dappled green wild.
Come away to the dwelling of plants and trees.
And the four-legged, the winged, the creeping, burrowing, swimming ones.
Come away to slip through the wild and gentle air,
under the arching sky, across the strong land.
Come away with me
You and your animal body
Out into the world that formed you
Across two million years.
Come away down paths less traveled
Since our modern culture drowned out
The song of the earth.
And what will you find there?
It all depends on what you come looking for …
Some peace in mind and emotions
A sense of wellbeing in a stress-filled life?
A deep attunement with the natural world
Embodied, Sensory, Unspoken?
The chance to ground yourself
Find your bearings, a new sense of self, a fresh phase in life?
Or maybe you’re trying to make sense of the civilisation we have created.
Wanting to work out your place in it
From the ground up?
Or is there yet something else
That calls you closer
To the land?
Come away with me
Out into the dappled green wild
And discover ways of knowing, being and living
That will surprise, delight and inspire.
“The major problems in the world
are the result of the difference
between how nature works
and the way people think”
Gregory Bateson
“The major problems in the world are the result of the difference
between how nature works and the way people think”
Gregory Bateson
Come and do a workshop or a longer programme with me.
There are workshops that offer different focuses – wellbeing, nature awareness, navigating life’s phases and cultural reflection.
They all share common principles and practices as their foundation, developed over the last fifteen years. They suit different budgets and have different levels of facilities offered. Most are one day, some are multi-week, one lasts six months.
Find out more about the workshops and about me through the buttons below.
I also offer one-to-one personal development and coaching. Email me to find out more.
"a unique and wonderfully potent experience of very high quality"

Latest Update – Wednesday 11th December
Thank you so much for clicking your way to my website. I appreciate you passing by. Just the briefest of updates at the moment.
I have three events scheduled for 2025 so far. They are all with Sussex Wildlife Trust at Woods Mill, their “head-quarters” nature reserve, near Henfield in Sussex.
For the first time I am going to run a winter workshop on 8th April at Wood’s Mill. This will be similar to the regular Nature Connection ones however winter provides particular opportunities to open our senses to the delicacy of everything that is happening around us. And also I am excited to be exploring our relationship with Air in a way I have been wanting to do for some while. I think it will be a great experience. You can book here:
Plus there are two Deepen Your Nature Connection workshops on Saturday 28th June and Saturday 27th September 2025. They have just gone up on their wesbite today and you can find them by clicking:
I have also shot all the footage for some short videos of the Threshold Practices, the basic things I introduced folks to on many of my courses. Just need to edit them. Again I will update here when they are done and also publish one of my rare newsletters to let you know. So do sign up if you are interested.
Plus I am getting closer to a sense of what I will be offering in 2025 having moved on from everything I have been doing over the past ten years so do check back soon. And sign up for the newsletter!
Thank you
about me

Hi. I am Alistair and I am endlessly curious about how we humans can “live life well”. For me, that has something to do with seeking to live life in the present moment with heart and harmony. And I have a strong conviction that we have the best chance of making sense of our lives if we rediscover a place of deep attunement with the more-than-human world. For the last 15 years, I have worked as a trainer, eco-psychologist and coach/therapist helping people explore ways of living their lives well with an open ended approach I call “a way of natural being”.
“We are human only
in contact,and conviviality,
with what is not human.”
David Abram[sape]“We are human only in contact, and conviviality,
with what is not human.”
David Abram