What is Nature Connection?


We can experience the natural world in so many ways.  We can learn to identify the creatures and plants that we encounter, we can become familiar with their habits and ways. Or, sometimes, nature will stop us in our tracks with a moment of sublime wonder. 


But is it possible to go beyond these and know a deeper nature connection? An experience of more suble awareness and relationship with the natural world.


This workshop will introduce you to delightful practices that will heighten and enrich your experience of your place in the natural world. You’ll gain a deeper sensitivity and awareness of the presence of everything around you. And a greater feeling of connection to all that is happening around you. 


The day is a great compliment to the other workshops offered by the Trust which focus more on the identification and habits of the plants and creatures of our Sussex landscape.


It’s also a rare opportunity to spend a day in the enchanting Hoe Wood that is not normally accessible to the public.


You will:


  • learn a number of simple practices that will deepen your felt sense of connection and relationship with the natural world
  • spend guided time on your own learning to pay attention to the richness in everything around you
  • take time for reflection and discussion of the experiences
  • learn some background behind the practices and how to apply them in your life
  • possibly discover the beginnings of a different perspective on the human place in the natural world


Please note that some of the content of this workshop overlaps with Mindfulness in Nature day that has run in previous years. There is a different emphasis and some different exercises so it would be a great refresher for those who have done that day.